Full-day or Half-day Kindergarten Which Is Best Professor's House

American Journal of Education

journal article

Full‐Day versus Half‐Solar day Kindergarten: In Which Program Exercise Children Learn More?

American Journal of Instruction

Published By: The Academy of Chicago Press

American Journal of Education


https://www. jstor .org/stable/10.1086/498994




Do children learn more than in total‐day kindergartens than half‐24-hour interval programs? If full‐day kindergarten increases learning, are kindergartners in some schools peculiarly advantaged by their full‐day experience? We address these questions with a nationally representative sample of over 8,000 kindergartners and 500 U.S. public schools that participated in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study—Kindergarten Cohort. More than half of kindergartners experience full‐24-hour interval programs, which are most normally available to less‐advantaged children. Using multilevel (HLM) methods, we show that children who attend schools that offer full‐24-hour interval programs larn more in literacy and mathematics than their half‐day counterparts. We also explore differential effectiveness in some schoolhouse settings.

Journal Information

Current issues are at present on the Chicago Journals website. Read the latest issue. The American Journal of Education seeks to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive multifariousness of educational scholarship and to encourage a vigorous dialogue between educational scholars and policy makers. Information technology publishes empirical inquiry, from a wide range of traditions, that contribute to the development of noesis across the broad field of education.

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Since its origins in 1890 as one of the iii main divisions of the University of Chicago, The University of Chicago Press has embraced as its mission the obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard and to publish serious works that promote didactics, foster public understanding, and enrich cultural life. Today, the Journals Division publishes more than 70 journals and hardcover serials, in a broad range of bookish disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, instruction, the biological and medical sciences, and the physical sciences.


Source: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/498994

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